The The Hygeia Clinic Blog

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely...
Could That Problem Be Hormonal

Could That Problem Be Hormonal

Hormonal changes can produce a wide range of physical and mental symptoms. Hormones are the chemical messengers that allow your body to function in harmony. During your reproductive years, women’s hormones cycle up and down every month naturally.

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Might You Be Suffering From Postpartum Depression?

Might You Be Suffering From Postpartum Depression?

Having a baby is the most thrilling, wonderful, emotionally fulfilling experiences in life, right? Right? Or maybe you're not feeling that warm fuzzy feeling that everyone talks about. If so, you could be experiencing a touch of the baby blues and you’re not alone....

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Depression In Women

Depression In Women

Your sex is a factor in determining whether or not you’re more at risk of developing depression. Women are twice as likely as their male counterparts to suffer from this form of mental illness, according to the figures, though the numbers may also reflect the fact...

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A Guide To Alcoholic Drinks For The Gluten-Free Dieter

A Guide To Alcoholic Drinks For The Gluten-Free Dieter

When you’re eliminating gluten, it’s important to consider which alcoholic drinks you will incorporate into your diet. You may not have considered how much gluten there is in alcohol yet, but it can really affect your exposure to gluten. Any beverages made from wheat,...

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7 Gluten-Free Shopping List Essentials

7 Gluten-Free Shopping List Essentials

When you have gluten intolerance, it helps to have a gluten free shopping list as a reference. The good news is that many foods are naturally gluten free and you probably already eat many of them. Grains - You’ll want to avoid wheat, barley, and rye. But that leaves...

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